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​​​​​​​ | 0207 859 4143​​​​​​​

6 Napier Terrace, London, N1 1TJ

The value of a lease declines over time, particularly if it's shorter than 80 years. You qualify for a Lease Extension providing the following:

  • you have owned the property for at least two years, though you don't have to have lived in it during this period. 
  • the lease drawn up at the original time of contract was granted for more than 21 years.
  • the lease is not a commercial or business lease.

In certain cases, a lease extension agreement can be carried out informally through approaching the freeholder. The other option is to serve a formal notice to the freeholder, who - under the Leasehold Reform Act - is then obliged to grant a 90-year lease extension in return for you paying a premium. We highly recommend having your property valued before negotiating the amount you pay as premium - having a clear and concise valuation report will ensure you pay a fair price while ensuring the value of your home.

If you're worried about how the length of your lease could affect the value of your home, our surveyors can lend their expertise and carry out an in-depth report. You can request a quote below, or get in touch by phone or email - our staff will be happy to answer any questions you have.

RICS Lease Extension Valuations

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RICS Condition Reports​​​​​​​

RICS  Homebuyer Reports​​​​​​​

RICS Building Survey​​​​​​​

RICS Tax Valuations​​​​​​​
